
Various Artists / 選輯【Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Toy Story / 玩具總動員雙碟精選】


2015.07.31 發行~




*迪士尼經典重現 2CD精美書冊包裝

*「搖滾名人堂」傳奇作曲家Randy Newman親自打造經典配樂


Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Toy Story / 玩具總動員雙碟精選   



由Walt Disney Records所推出的「The Legacy Collection」系列,囊括了十數部旗下經典動畫原聲帶,其中當屬【Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Toy Story /玩具總動員雙碟精選 (2CD)】最為經典。這張電影配樂是由三座艾美獎、六座葛萊美獎得主,同時也是「作曲家名人堂」和「搖滾名人堂」成員的迪士尼傳奇大師 - Randy Newman作曲;Randy Newman不僅製作了【玩具總動員】的配樂,還包括了【玩具總動員2】、【玩具總動員3】、【怪獸電力公司】、【怪獸大學】以及【Cars】的配樂,可說是皮克斯動畫旗下最傑出的大師級配樂作曲家。


在【玩具總動員雙碟精選】中,收錄了Randy Newman親自撰寫的58首配樂,包括了與四屆葛萊美獎得主Lyle Livett合作的"You've Got a Friend in Me";另外還有"Strange Things"、"The Claw"、"The Rescue Pt. 1"、"I Will Go Sailing No More"等歌曲,讓人光是聆聽便可以勾勒起電影中每個美好的片段。



Disc 1

01. Opening 

02. You've Got a Friend in Me 

03. Andy's Birthday Is Today 

04. They're Alive! 

05. "Staff Meeting Everybody!" 

06. "You Too, Bo Peep"   

07. Andy's Birthday Party 

08. Code Red 

09. A Good Soldier Never Leaves a Man Behind 

10. Presents: Who Invited That Kid? 

11. Surprise Present 

12. "What Are You Doing Under the Bed?"

13. Buzz Revealed 

14. Buzz Flies 

15. Strange Things 

16. Woody/Bo Peep 

17. Sid 

18. Virtual Realty 

19. Woody Plots 

20. Rube Globeburg 

21. "Woody Did It!" 

22. Rescue Attempt 

23. "Buzz, You're Alive!" 

24. Buzz and Woody Fight 

25. Buzz's Mission 

26. "It's a Spaceship, Buzz" 

27. Pizza Planet Rock 

28. "What? Hello? A Space Port!" 

29. The Claw 

30. Dr. Sid 

31. Mutant Toys 

32. Woody's Gone 

33. "Sorry Guys, Dinner's Canceled" 

34. Scud 

35. Buzz Lightyear Commercial 

36. I Will Go Sailing No More 

37. Out the Window 

38. Sid's Toys Fix Buzz 

39. The Big One 

40. Sad Andy 

41. "Buzz, I Need Your Help"

42. Working Together (Leads to Failure) 

43. The Rescue Pt. 1 

44. Sid Counts Down 

45. The Rescue Pt. 2: Play Nice, Sid 

46. Chasing the Van 

47. RC to the Rescue 

48. To Infinity and Beyond 

49. Together Again and a Very Merry Christmas 

50. You've Got a Friend in Me - Lyle Lovett, Randy Newman 

51. End Credits



01. Strange Things 

02. Plastic Spaceman 

03. I Will Go Sailing No More 

04. The Fool 

05. You've Got a Friend in Me 

06. Strange Things 

07. I Will Go Sailing No More 

08. Thanking the Orchestra - Randy Newman, John Lasseter


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