Yusuf / 尤瑟夫 (**原名 Cat Stevens**)【Roadsinger / 街頭藝人 - 暖夜】
2009.05.27 發行~
編號:270 505-2

* 昔日民謠歌手 Cat Stevens,現今關懷人們的都會說書人
* 於倫敦、洛杉磯、納許維爾等地錄製,邀請 Martin Terefe (James Morrison、Jason Mraz、K.T. Tunstall)和 Yusuf 齊力操盤
* 曾是瑪丹娜愛將的實力偶像 Michelle Branch 以及風光抱走全英音樂獎「最佳男歌手」的 James Morrison,皆前來友情助陣


因為投入伊斯蘭教而將名字改成 Yusuf Islam,給了自己一個重生機會,隨後便淡出流行樂界,相隔 26 年,昔日的 Cat Stevens 回到國際流行舞台,同時紀念第一張專輯【I Love My Dog】發行四十週年,再次譜出感動人心的全新小品。2003-2007 年間陸續得到關於和平的獎項,仍未忘情歌唱的 Yusuf,也獲取美國著作權協會 ASCAP 頒發「年度最佳創作人」肯定。

原名 Steven Georgiou 的 Cat Stevens 出生英國倫敦,在知名創作/製作人 Mike Hurst (Bell And Sebastian、Nirvana、Iron Maiden) 協助下,於 1967-1973 年間陸續推出七張暢銷專輯,締造多首經典代表單曲:包括兩首成人抒情榜冠軍曲 "Morning Has Broken" 以及 "Peace Train",搖滾公雞洛史都華與創作才女雪瑞兒可洛爭相翻唱之碎心作 "The First Cut Is The Deepest"、Mr. Big 曾翻唱 "Wild World"、從男孩特區偶像團體走向實力創作歌手的羅南偕同 Cat 重唱 "Father And Son",仍搶下英國金榜亞軍紀錄。1977 年 Cat Stevens 改名 Yusuf Islam 進入伊斯蘭教,兩年後逐漸淡出流行樂界,在自己的音樂廠牌「Mountain Of Light」下發行了多張創作專輯。全新流行樂專輯【An Other Cup】在 2006 年終告問世,拿下德國白金 + 英國金唱片銷售認證。

再次拱出新碟【Roadsinger】,趨向更為民謠的風格,從倫敦、洛杉磯再到納許維爾等地錄製,邀請 Martin Terefe (James Morrison、Jason Mraz、K.T. Tunstall) 和 Yusuf 齊力操盤。開場以 Acoustic 吉他指引出 "Welcome Home",譜入淡淡閒適鄉村音韻,還有鋼琴與弦樂溫柔對鳴,襯入孩童天真清新伴唱之 "Be What You Must" 和 "This Class World",都有曾是瑪丹娜愛將的實力偶像 Michelle Branch 特地前來和聲助陣;流暢耐聽的線條交織 "Thinking ‘Bout You" 與 “Dream On (Until…)”,簡單無雜質的如同一道清流劃過流行樂壇,風光抱走全英音樂獎「最佳男歌手」的 James Morrison,貢獻他靈騷迷人的歌唱本事;同名歌曲 "Roadsinger" 講述那些街頭討生活人的辛酸,更訴說著一則則貼近你我的故事集。

01. Welcome Home
02. Thinking ‘Bout You
03. Everytime I Dream
04. The Rain
05. World O’ Darkness
06. Be What You Must
07. This Class World
08. Roadsinger
09. All Kinds Of Roses
10. Dream On (Until…)
11. Shamsia

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1. 暱稱:緹花 部落格網址:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/mylovehot999  
2. 暱稱:心心相印 部落格網址:http://zxxxxxvdvf74.pixnet.net/blog  
3. 暱稱:Cindy 部落格網址:http://cindyhsu.pixnet.net/blog  
4. 暱稱:kate 部落格網址: http://blog.sina.com.tw/kate88/  
5. 暱稱:Mr.豆 部落格網址:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/a3232168  

阿姆台灣官方部落格 http://eminemrelapse.pixnet.net/blog  

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出沒日期:05.23 (六)、05.24 (日)、05.30 (六)、05.31 (日)、06.06 (六)、06.07 (日)
出沒時間:15:00 – 20:00
出沒地點:台北西門捷運站 6 號出口與 1 號出口 

活動時間:2009.05.23 ~ 06.09
活動辦法:請豆豆歌迷快去現場直擊,並拍下照片存證,email 至 umusicpop@yahoo.com.tw。

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"3 A.M." 

Oh oh oh oh oh ooh

There is no escaping....
There's no place to hide....
You scream "Someone save me"
But they don't pay you no mind...

You're walkin' down a horror corridor
It's almost 4 in the morning and you're in a
Nightmare, it's horrible
Right there's the coroner
Waiting for ya to turn the corner so he can corner ya
You're a goner he's onto ya
Out the corner of his cornea he just saw you run
All you want is to rest cuz you can't run anymore you're done
All he wants is to kill you in front of an audience
While everybody is watching in the party applauding it
Here I sit while I'm caught up in deep, thought again
Contemplating my next plot again
Swallowing a colada pin while I'm noddin in and out on the ottoman
At the ramada inn, holdin' on to the pill bottle then
Lick my finger and swirl it round the bottom and make sure I got all of it
Wake up naked at Mc,donalds with
Blood all over me, Dead bodies behind the counter, shit
Guess I must have just blacked out again...
Not again!

It's 3 A.M. in the mornin'
Put my key in the door and
Bodies layin' all over the floor and
I dont remember how they got there
but I guess I musta killed em (killed em)
I said...
It's 3 A.M. in the mornin'
Put my key in the door and
Bodies layin' all over the floor and
I dont remember how they got there
but I guess I musta killed em (killed em)

Sitting nude in my living room, it's almost noon
I wonder what's on the tube, maybe they'll show some boobs
Surfin' every channel until I find Hannah Montana
Then I reach for the Aloe and lanolin
Bust all over the wall panel and dismantlin' every candle
On top of the fireplace mantle and
Grab my flannel and my bandana then
Kiss the naked mannequin man again
You can see him standin' in my front window if you look in
I'm just a hooligan who's used to usin' hallucinogens
Causin' illusions again
Brain contusions again
Cutting and bruisin' the skin
Razors scissors and pins
Jesus, when does it end?
Phases, that I go through
Dazed, and I'm so confused
Cheesed, that I don't know who
Gave, these molecules to
me, what am I gon' do?
Heed, the prodigal son
The diabolical one
Very methodical when I slaughter them

It's 3 A.M. in the mornin'
Put my key in the door and
Bodies layin' all over the floor and
I dont remember how they got there
but I guess I musta killed em (killed em)
I said...
It's 3 A.M. in the mornin'
Put my key in the door and
Bodies layin' all over the floor and
I dont remember how they got there
but I guess I musta killed em (killed em)

I choke and I slash sliced and gassed
Last night was a blast
I can't quite remember when I had that
Much fun of a half pint of a jack
My last spike and a half
A flashlight up Kim Kardashian's ass
I remember the first time I dismembered a family member
December I think it was, I was havin' drinks with my cousin
I wrapped him in Christmas lights, pushed him into the stinkin' tub
Cut him up into pieces and just when I went to drink his blood
I thought I oughta drink this bath water that oughta be fun
That's when my days of serial murder manslaughter begun
The sight of blood excites me, that might be an artery son
Your blood covered and screams just don't seem to bother me none
It's 3 A.M. and here I come so you should probably run
A secret passageway around here man there's gotta be one
Oh no there's probably none, he can scream all that he wants
Top of his lungs, but ain't no stoppin' me from choppin' him up... up
Cuz it's...

3 A.M. in the mornin'
Put my key in the door and
Bodies layin' all over the floor and
I dont remember how they got there
but I guess I musta killed em (killed em)
I said...
It's 3 A.M. in the mornin'
Put my key in the door and
Bodies layin' all over the floor and
I dont remember how they got there
but I guess I musta killed em (killed em)

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全球銷售驚爆 2700 萬張,拿下 3 座葛萊美獎的黑眼豆豆合唱團,即將推出全新大碟【THE E.N.D】,首支單曲 "Boom Boom Pow" 一舉蟬聯告示牌單曲榜 5 週冠軍,首週 46 萬 5 千次付費下載量更打破由酷玩樂團與魔力紅保持的紀錄!

全省唱片行預購中,06.09.09 倒數計時…



The Black Eyed Peas / 黑眼豆豆【THE E.N.D】預購活動詳情:
預購專輯版本:The Black Eyed Peas / 黑眼豆豆【The E.N.D】(2CD 全球首批限量盤)
預購期間:2009.05.19 ~ 06.06
預購專輯取貨期間:2009.06.09 ~ 06.23

請預購歌迷朋友特別注意:黑眼豆豆全新大碟【THE E.N.D】(2CD 全球首批限量盤),若因供貨時間產生變動,環球音樂將在官方網站 www.umusic.com.tw 公佈最即時發行日期,敬請密切注意!

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