
Fall Out Boy / 打倒男孩【**** Live In Phoenix / **** 鳳凰城演唱會】(限量精裝盤)
2008.04.29 發行~
編號:176 433-7

* 三年間狂銷逾四百萬張的超猛勁團 「搖滾嘔像」影音升級火力加倍
* DVD 加長收錄 8 首音樂錄影帶 + 45 分鐘巡迴幕後花絮
* 超值加贈 Bonus CD 收錄打倒男孩 + 約翰梅爾最新翻唱麥可傑克森的冠軍經典 "Beat It"


暢快無限 High 的龐克音量大聲飆出,釋放拒受約束的不羈氣焰,高舉 EMO 風格旗幟大搖大擺闖入搖滾樂壇,踢爆時下做作男孩偶像團的面具,給你最熱血的搖晃音浪,這就是 Fall Out Boy!在主流廠發行的兩張專輯,短短三年間狂銷逾四百萬張,其中 2007 年的【Infinity On High】大碟,更直接空降美國冠軍! 

擁有超高人氣的 Fall Out Boy,終於在 2008 年推出他們首張現場演唱會 DVD【**** Live In Phoenix】,這場 DVD拍攝自 2007 年 6 月 22 日 Fall Out Boy 全美巡迴鳳凰城站,全場粉絲整場都被 Fall Out Boy 的驚人搖滾魅力震懾不已,影片中不但完整紀錄了這場精彩演唱會,更加值收錄 8 首音樂錄影帶及 45 分鐘的巡迴幕後花絮;不僅如此,還要送你收錄了 Fall Out Boy 與葛萊美獎得主 John Mayer 共同翻唱麥可傑克森的冠軍經典 "Beat It" 之 Bonus CD!有了這張 DVD,保證你的夏天也能跟打倒男孩一樣 HIGH!

DVD:(此為國外原裝進口產品 恕不附中文字幕)
02. Thriller
03. Grand Theft Autumn/ Where is your boy *Gabe from Cobra Starship
04. Don’t Matter *Akon cover
05. Sugar, were goin down
06. Our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued
07. Of all the gin joints in all the world
08. Hum Hallelujah
09. I slept with someone in Fall Out Boy and all I got was this stupid song written about me
10. Tell that mick he just made my list of things today’
11. I’m like a lawyer with the way im always trying to get you off (Me & You)
13. A little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me
14. Beat it * Micheal Jackson cover
15. Carpel tunnel of love
16. Golden
17. Panic!@ the disco cover
18. This ain’t a scene it’s an arms race
21. Thks fr th mmrs
22. “The take over, the breaks over”
23. One and only* Timberland
24. Dance, Dance
25. Drum Solo
26. Saturday

DVD Extras:
All 8 Island Music Videos
01. Sugar, We’re Going Down
02. Dance, Dance
03. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
04. This Aint a Scene, It's an Arms Race
05. Thnks fr mmrs
06. Carpal Tunnel Of Love
07. The Take Over, The Break's Over
08. Me & you
Behind The Scenes Documentary (Approx 45 mins)

Bonus CD of Deluxe Edition:
01. Arms Race
02. Carpal Tunnel Of Love
03. Take Over
04. I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy
05. Beat It (Studio Version)

區碼:NTSC 2-6區
規格:DVD 9 X1 + CD X1
音效:Dolby Digital Stereo and 5.1 Surround Sound

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