
Various Artists / 合輯【The Ultimate Motown Christmas Collection / 摩城聖誕經典】(2CD / 2CD特選盤)
2009.12.11 發行~
編號:882 397-4

*集結 Motown 旗下代表藝人,散發溫馨、歡樂、祥和氣氛的聖誕應景特輯
*雙 CD 多達 35 首歌曲,更收錄巨星們的祝賀收音片段
*超級家族團體 Jackson 5、摩城一哥 Stevie Wonder、被譽為二十世紀 60 年代最佳隊伍 The Temptations、由 Diana Ross 領軍的 The Supremes、摩城王子 Marvin Gaye、美聲代表 Boyz II Men...等作品完整呈現


讓永遠的流行之王 Michael Jackson 發光發熱的關鍵,讓享譽國際的盲眼歌手 Stevie Wonder 綻放生命熱度,讓美麗的歌姬 Diana Ross 迅速爆紅,讓都會愛情故事找到最佳詮釋代言者 Marvin Gaye…,這都是美國史上最著名的獨立廠牌,更是孕育優秀黑人音樂及傑出創作者、歌手最大宗溫床 Motown 旗下引以為傲的代表藝人,此回蒐集所有聖誕應景歌曲,如同年度團圓般,享受溫暖曼妙的節慶佳音。

由 Berry Gordy 於 1959 年開設的獨立製作公司,同時快速記載出 Motown 的不朽音樂神話!迄今已達50 個年頭,一再發揮靈敏的市場嗅覺,配合旗下詞曲創作者與製作人的推陳出新,在每個世代皆創下驚人輝煌紀錄!

集結溫馨、歡樂、祥和氣氛的【The Ultimate Motown Christmas Collection】特輯,除了有多達 35 首歌謠外,更收錄巨星們的祝賀收音片段。包括:超級家族團體 Jackson 5,重溫 Michael Jackson 稚氣未脫的可愛演繹 “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”、“I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”;至今仍坐鎮 Motown 主將一哥 Stevie Wonder,指引熱鬧搖擺氣氛的 “What Christmas Means To Me”、聖潔的 “Ave Maria”、以及 “One Little Christmas Tree” 等三首小品;被譽為 20 世紀 60 年代最佳隊伍 The Temptations,如天籟般的無瑕合聲散發在 “Silent Night”、“My Christmas Tree”、“The Little Drummer Boy” 之中;展現熱情、歡愉獨特魅力,由 Diana Ross 領軍的三人女子組 The Supremes,獻上純白之 “White Christmas”、“Joy To The World”、“Silver Bells” 等多首作品,特別節錄 Diana Ross 單飛獨唱且充滿靈性之 “This Christmas”;曾被偉大民謠之父 Bob Dylan 公開評價為美國活著的最偉大詩人,深具影響力的 Smokey Robinson 與領軍團體 The Miracles,獻唱聖誕鈴聲四起的 “Jingle Bells”、“The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)”、“It's Christmas Time”;對當代黑人音樂影響極深的摩城王子 Marvin Gaye,也翻箱獻出重新混音 “Purple Snowflakes”、”I Want To Come Home For Christmas”,譜化曼妙 Soulful 音頻之動人佳作;將多部人聲發揮的淋漓盡致,在 90 年代大行其道的美聲代表 Boyz II Men 的 “Let It Snow”,導入軟綿濃郁的香醇音調,更大展自身性感誘惑的靈韻嗓音。

01. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Jackson 5
02. What Christmas Means To Me - Stevie Wonder
03. Season's Greetings from Eddie Kendricks - Eddie Kendricks
04. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - The Temptations
05. Season's Greetings from The Supremes - The Supremes
06. My Favorite Things - The Supremes
07. Deck The Halls / Bring A Torch, Jeannette, Isabella - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
08. Ave Maria - Stevie Wonder
09. Season's Greetings from Thelma Houston - Thelma Houston
10. Joy To The World - The Supremes
11. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
12. Silver Bells - The Supremes
13. Someday At Christmas - Stevie Wonder
14. Season's Greetings from Jr. Walker - Jr. Walker
15. Winter Wonderland - The Funk Brothers
16. Jingle Bells - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
17. Season's Greetings from The Commodores – Commodores
18. My Christmas Tree - The Temptations
19. White Christmas - The Supremes
20. Season's Greetings from The Velvelettes - The Velvelettes
21. Merry Christmas Baby - The Four Tops
22. Give Love On Christmas Day - Johnny Gill
23. Christmas In The City - Marvin Gaye
24. Season's Greetings from The Temptations - The Temptations
25. Silent Night - The Temptations

01. Season's Greetings from Smokey Robinson - Smokey Robinson
02. The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles / The Temptations
03. Children's Christmas Song - The Supremes
04. Season's Greetings from David Ruffin - David Ruffin
05. The Little Drummer Boy - The Temptations
06. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - The Jackson 5
07. Season's Greetings from Four Tops – The Four Tops
08. Christmas Here With You - The Four Tops
09. This Christmas - Diana Ross
10. Season's Greetings from Willie Hutch - Willie Hutch
11. Christmas Cheer - The Boys
12. Let It Snow - Boyz II Men
13. Season's Greetings from The Spinners - The Spinners
14. Christmas Everyday - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
15. One Little Christmas Tree - Stevie Wonder
16. Season's Greetings from Martha & The Vandellas - Martha & The Vandellas
17. Noel - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
18. Purple Snowflakes - Marvin Gaye
19. Season's Greetings from The Elgins - The Elgins
20. Wish You A Merry Christmas - Kim Weston
21. It's Christmas Time - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
22. Season's Greetings from Shorty Long - Shorty Long
23. Xmas Twist - The Twistin' Kings
24. I Want To Come Home For Christmas - Marvin Gaye
25. Season's Greetings from Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
26. A Child Is Waiting - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles

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