
Rod Stewart / 洛史都華【Rod Stewart經典五碟全記錄】







*精美盒裝包裝;收錄傳奇經典單曲"Every Picture Tells a Story"、"You Wear It Well"、"Let Me Be Your Car"等


締造6張英國冠軍專輯、31首英國Top10單曲、16首美國告示牌Top10單曲、4首問鼎告示牌冠軍寶座、兩度入主搖滾名人堂、滾石雜誌將其定為「史上最偉大100位歌手」的第59名,他是締造無數傳奇的Rod Stewart。


出身於英國北倫敦,本名Roderick David Stewart的Rod Stewart,自幼便深受Little Richard等藍調搖滾音樂渲染;在加入了Jeff Beck Group後,他磨練了搖滾的各種技巧,進而組成了威震天下的搖滾樂團「Faces」。Faces解散之後,Rod Stewart再以其單飛的身分大放異彩,締造了無數經典的專輯。


【Rod Stewart】收錄了Rod Stewart音樂生涯最早的五張專輯,包含了【An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down】、【Gasoline Alley】、【Every Picture Tells A Story】、【Never A Dull Moment】與【Smiler】,其中更以【Every Picture Tells A Story】最為經典,不僅打入英美兩地冠軍,在澳洲與加拿大同樣也穩居冠軍寶座,更在美國賣出了超過一百萬張,拿下白金唱片。其餘的四張專輯,也紛紛打入各大排行榜,甚至衝上英國金榜冠軍,可說是見證Rod Stewart成為傳奇的光榮之路起點。



【An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down】

01. Street Fighting Man 

02. Man of Constant Sorrow 

03. Blind Prayer 

04. Handbags and Gladrags 

05. An Old Raincoat Won’t Ever Let You Down 

06. I Wouldn’t Ever Change a Thing 

07. Cindy’s Lament 

08. Dirty Old Town


【Gasoline Alley】

01. Gasoline Alley 

02. It's All Over Now  

03. Only A Hobo

04. My Way Of Giving  

05. Country Comforts 

06. Cut Across Shorty 

07. Lady Day

08. Jo's Lament  

09. You're My Girl (I Don't Want To Discuss It)


【Every Picture Tells A Story】

01. Every Picture Tells A Story 

02. Seems Like A Long Time  

03. That's All Right 

04. Tomorrow Is A Long Time 

05. Maggie May  

06. Mandolin Wind  

07. (I Know) I'm Losing You  

08. (Find A) Reason To Believe


【Never A Dull Moment】

01. True Blue  

02. Lost Paraguayos  

03. Mama You Been On My Mind  

04. Italian Girls  

05. Angel  

06. Interludings  

07. You Wear It Well  

08. I'd Rather Go Blind  

09. Twistin' The Night Away



01. Sweet Little Rock 'N' Roller 

02. Lochinvar  

03. Farewell  

04. Sailor  

05. Bring It On Home To Me / You Send Me 

06. Let Me Be Your Car 

07. (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Man 

08. Dixie Toot  

09. Hard Road  

10. I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face 

11. Girl From The North Country 

12. Mine For Me

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