Various Artists / 合輯【Disney Jingle Bell Fun / 迪士尼卡通明星聖誕歌】
2012.10.23 發行~
【Disney Jingle Bell Fun】這張動員迪士尼旗下卡通群星的聖誕特典,絕對令大小朋友開心不已,從最可愛的米奇和米妮搭檔、唐老鴨和黛絲、高飛狗…等等,都是陪伴我們一起長大的可愛明星,現在他們開口唱歌囉!要把最溫馨的聖誕氣氛送到你家。
打從聖誕老公公降臨的 “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”、賣座電影「小鬼當家」中的重點襯樂 “Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree”、下雪之歌 “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”,一直到抒情動人的 “O Christmas Tree” 和 “O Holy Night”…等聖誕歌曲經典,全部重新詮釋。
01. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Mickey, Goofy and Donald
02. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Randy Crenshaw
03. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Donald and Daisy
04. O Christmas Tree - Hailey Markman
05. Wonderful Christmastime - Randy Crenshaw
06. It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas – Mickey and Minnie
07. Toyland – Goofy
08. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear - Randy Crenshaw
09. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Donald and Goofy
10. O Holy Night - Hailey Markman