Zucchero / 蘇奇洛【Zu & Co. - All The Best / 星光閃耀高峰會+全經典】(2CD特輯)
*【Zu & Co.星光閃耀高峰會】:義大利國寶巨星蘇奇洛與史汀、帕華洛帝、比比金、安德烈波伽利、艾利克萊普頓、羅南、湯姆瓊斯、梅西葛蕾、雪瑞兒可洛、小紅莓女主唱桃樂絲…等樂界天王天后對唱特輯
*【All The Best全經典】:匯集歌唱生涯代表作,特收與保羅揚合唱“Senza Una Donna (Without A Woman)”、鋼琴美少女Vanessa Carlton與棒辣妹團員Haylie Ecker助陣曲“Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime”、傳奇男高音帕華洛帝助唱經典“Miserere”、翻唱藍調搖滾巨星Joe Cocker大熱門“You Are So Beautiful”
義大利樂史上的國寶級天王巨星Zucchero,曾受邀在向已故皇后合唱團主唱Freddie Mercury致敬的倫敦紀念演唱會上表演,同時也是美國Woodstock '94唯一受邀的歐陸藝人。他以沙啞滄桑的動人嗓音征服全球樂壇,贏得葛萊美入圍榮耀,在80-90年代期間不僅締造多張暢銷歐洲的冠軍專輯,更不遺餘力發掘潛力新人,跨界男高音Andrea Bocelli就是他的得意門徒。
將2004年的對唱特輯【Zu & Co.】以及2007年的精選輯【All The Best】合而為一的此張特別發行,匯集Zucchero歌唱生涯中最具代表性的作品,從英語到義大利文發音的單曲一網打盡。包括:與白人靈魂男歌手Paul Young合唱的“Senza Una Donna (Without A Woman)”,成功入主英國金榜亞軍;珍稀獨特之作“Dune Mosse”,是Zucchero跨時空與爵士大師Miles Davis的絶美合鳴;還有與Miles Davis、Sting、Eric Clapton、Tom Jones、B.B. King、Sheryl Crow、Brian May、Ronan Keating…等超級巨星,以及和樂界兩大傳奇男高音Luciano Pavarotti、Andrea Bocelli對唱之作。
【All The Best曲目】:
01. Wonderful Life
02. I Won’t Let You Down
03. Senza Una Donna (Without A Woman)
04. Baila (Sexy Thing)
05. Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime
06. Nel Così Blu
07. Il Volo
08. Bacco Perbacco
09. Occhi
10. Così Celeste
11. Blue
12. Diavolo In Me
13. Dune Mosse
14. Diamante
15. Va, Pensiero
16. Amen
17. Miserere
18. You Are So Beautiful
【Zu & Co.曲目】:
01. Dune Mosse - with Miles Davis
02. Muoio Per Te - with Sting
03. Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime - with Vanessa Carlton – feat. Haylie Ecker
04. Mama Get Real - with Mousse T.
05. Like The Sun - with Macy Gray – feat. Jeff Beck
06. Baila Morena - with Maná
07. I Lay Down - with John Lee Hooker
08. Blue - with Sheryl Crow
09. Pure Love - with Dolores O'Riordan
10. A Wonderful World - with Eric Clapton
11. Pippo - Nasty Guy - with Tom Jones
12. Hey Man - Sing A Song - with B.B. King
13. The Flight - with Ronan Keating
14. Così Celeste - with Cheb Mami
15. Diavolo In Me - A Devil In Me - with Solomon Burke
16. Senza Una Donna - Without A Woman – with Paul Young
17. Il Mare.... - with Brian May
18. Miserere - with Luciano Pavarotti & Andrea Bocelli